
Valentines Day Cake Pops

Valentines day cake pops are my favorite and Valentine’s Day is coming up soon, and we wanted to make some treats to celebrate. My kids are big fans of cake pops but I honestly had no idea of how they made them. I found out it was actually pretty simple, so I wanted to share what we did.

First, I’ll share what you are going to need to make some delicious cake pops. What you will need to buy is: icing, cake mix, cake pop sticks, chocolate chip, and sprinkles.

The first step in the valentines day cake pops process is making your cake. We used the funfetti kind because that’s Adriana’s favorite. Just follow the instructions on the box, and let it cook and cool down. Once your cake is finished, you will need to crumble it up in a bowl. Crumble it, but not TOO much, because then it gets kinda gross and won’t taste very good. Next you will need to add some icing to your mix. A decent size scoop will be good and mix it in with the cake. Once it’s all mixed, roll them up into balls, but them on a tray and let it freeze for about 30 minutes.

After you take it out of the freezer, then you should melt the chocolate chips. Get the cake pop sticks, dip them in chocolate, and put it into the cake pops. The melted chocolate on the stick helps it stick into the cake pop so it doesn’t fall apart.

From there, you need to take the cake pop and dip it into the melted chocolate. After that, you get to do the fun part! Just decorate with sprinkles however you would like. We got some red sprinkles for valentines day, and also some multi-colored sprinkles because I thought it was cute.If you want to see how it’s done on video, check out our video here. It has all the steps on how to make valentines day cake pops and you can see us put them together. It was a lot of fun and also delicious. easy for the little ones to make!

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