Nickelodeon Universe New Jersey
For our latest trip we went out to Nickelodeon Universe New Jersey. Even though it has been open for a while at this point, we had never had the chance to visit so…
Legoland New York Trip and Review
I wanted to share our Legoland New York trip and review. We recently took a trip out to Legoland, it’s a new theme park in Goshen New York. While I had heard of…
Atlantis Bahamas 2021
Our trip to Atlantis Bahamas 2021 was our first trip in while. In the past year we have not been traveling at all, but decided we wanted to get away. This trip was…
One Piece Swimwear You Need This Season
Are you planing for your next vacation yet? Or Maybe you are just ready for your next day at the pool. Either way, here are some one piece swimwear you need this season.…
Christmas Home Decor
This year I’m skipping over Thanksgiving and going straight to Christmas home decor. I wanted to be festive and get everything ready for the holiday season. Your search is easier now because I…
Halloween Home Decor
It’s almost October and time to update your house with some Halloween home decor. Every day since the summer my kids have been asking about Halloween. October is only a few days a…
Best Fall Boots to Shop For
If you are searching for the bet fall boots to shop for i’ve put together some of my favorites here. It suddenly has gotten cool out. Now I’ve been wanting to buy some…
How To Create a Virtual Learning Space
I’m not entirely sure of what the plan for school this fall holds right now, but I know it’s going to involve some virtual learning. I have been working on putting together a…
Summer Style Upgrade
I have been wanting to upgrade my summer style lately. My style has been pretty casual lately. With a more quiet summer this year, I didn’t have the chance for a summer style…
At Home Manicure Essentials
At home manicure essentials are important these days. I have been doing my own manicures since salons are still closed. I miss the salon manicure look, but have found some products to make…